October 28, 2015

Benghazi Embassy Attack Hearings

Written By:  Andrew Eide

Recently the Benghazi hearings to determine what happened with the attack on our Embassy, that caused four of our Embassy personnel to be brutally murdered, has concluded. Unfortunately the question I have was never answered. Here are some valuable facts and the question I wanted answered.

There was a General in the area and he told the State Department that he could have his troops there at the Embassy to provide protection in a short period of time. The State Department, under the direction of Hillary Clinton, told the General that he is NOT to send his troops to the Embassy in Benghazi. He was told to stand down and do nothing. When he protested Hillary Clinton told the General that if he violated her order and sent his troops to help the Embassy she would send him to a Court-Martial and have him fired.

Why did Hillary Clinton do such a horrendous thing that resulted in the murder of four of our Embassy personnel? That is the question I wanted answered and she refused to answer it.

In the late 1970's Iran held our personnel hostage and threatened to murder them. President Carter sent help and unfortunately the operation to rescue our personnel failed and people died. But at least I had respect for President Carter for trying.

Had Hillary Clinton allowed the General to send his troops to the Embassy in Benghazi and they were not able to prevent the attack and our personnel would have still be murdered I would have at lease commended her for trying. The fact that she refused assistance to the Embassy is beyond reason. She should be prosecuted and convicted for the murders of our Embassy personnel.

Hillary Clinton testified at the Benghazi hearings that she never received communications from Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi. She also stated she didn't know it was Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the attack. She refused to communicate with Ambassador Stevens about anything.

However at the same time she refused to communicate with Ambassador Stevens she was communicating with her friend Blumenthal, who was not authorized to receive State Department information, and she mentioned to him that it was Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the attack.

Why has she not been prosecuted for refusing to talk to our Ambassador in Benghazi and for releasing highly classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance or right to know that information?

Hillary should be indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and sent to Prison for her allowing our Embassy personnel to be murdered and for releasing TOP SECRET information to people who were not clared to receive it.

October 20, 2015


Written By:  Andrew Eide

My memories of Halloween as a kid was that of dressing up in fun costumes and going out on Trick Or Treat expeditions with my father, sister, and friends. We didn’t care where the day or the celebration came from. We only cared that we could come home with a bounty of candy and pig out on the candy until we wanted to puke!

Today I will discuss Halloween but I will keep the controversial aspects of it out of my article. I honestly don’t care what some religious groups say about Halloween but I respect their right to state how they feel. I simply wish to discuss some simple aspects of how this day came about and I wish to focus on the fun aspect of Trick Or Treating.

The word Halloween seems to represent a Scottish variant on the fuller term All Hallows’ Eve (Evening) which is the night before All Hallows’ Day.

Some people state that the origins of Halloween may be from the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, and also linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which is derived from the Old Irish Samuin meaning summer’s end. There is also an indication that this was the time of the year when the physical and supernatural worlds were the closest and magical things could happen.

There appears to be a later Christian influence concerning what we call All Souls’ Day falling on November 1.

Trick-or-Treating seems to be derived from the Middle Ages when poor folk would go door-to-door on Hallowmas (November 1) and receive food in return from prayers for the dead on All Souls’ Day. The modern Trick-or-Treating we have today is more along the lines of an evening out with the kids, where they can collect candy and other goodies, and have a good time. The original concept of stating Trick-or-Treat, which indicated that if the resident didn’t give the visitor a treat, the visitor would play an evil prank or “trick” on them, has given way to what we have today.

There will be those who go way out and say something which is insulting or degrading about Halloween but we have to remember that they have the right to voice their opinions.

Just enjoy the little ghosts and goblins and witches who come to your door and shout Trick-or-Treat and be sure to give them a little something for their enjoyment.

October 8, 2015

Earth's Van Allen (Radiation) Belts

Written By:  Andrew Eide

Today I would like to discuss with you the radiation belts that encircle the Earth. They are called the Van Allen Belts as they are named after Doctor James Van Allen who discovered them.

Without these radiation belts surrounding the Earth extremely harmful stuff from the Sun and elsewhere in our Solar System would slam into the earth and destroy us. The most devastating effect would be if the solar radiation coming from the sun wasn’t deflected by the Van Allen Belts within a short period of time our Earth’s water, including our oceans, would heat up and evaporate and we would perish shortly thereafter.

There is another interesting fact about the Van Allen Belts that needs discussion. What we know, so far anyway, is that there are inner and outer belts to the Van Allen Belts. Roughly the inner belt starts at around 600 miles above the Earth’s surface and rise to approximately 3,700 miles. That means the inner belt is approximately 3,100 miles thick.

The outer belt begins approximately 9,300 miles above the Earths’ surface and rises to around 15,500 feet. That means the outer belt is approximately 6,200 miles thick.

Combined you have the Van Allen Belts ranging from 600 miles to 15,500 miles which is a long way and very think belts indeed coming in at approximately 13,900 miles thick.

So now we move on to the very interesting part of this discussion. The International Space Station orbits at approximately 350 miles above the Earth and the Space Shuttle usually orbits between 250 to 300 miles above the Earth with the exception of when it needs to dock with the International Space Station.

Astronauts on both the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle experience radiation sickness due to the radiation from the Van Allen Belts penetrating their craft and entering their bodies. It has been determined that it would take a lead shield of approximately 15 feet thickness to totally prevent the radiation from the Van Allen Belts from penetrating the International Space Station and Space Shuttle.

Now if Astronauts on the Space Shuttle and International Space Station can be adversely affected by radiation from the Van Allen Belts being 300 or more miles away from the Belts then the question must be asked whether a thinly shielded vehicle could successfully transport humans through the entire Van Allen Belts safely. Remember we said that the total distance is about 13,900 miles or more.

Even as fast as space vehicles travel it would take a very long time for that vehicle to make it completely through the Van Allen Belts to finally come out the other side and be away from the radiation coming from them.

Putting this in the most basic terms I can think of without having that 15 foot thick lead shield around the craft the radiation from the Belts would easily pass through the destroy the humans inside the craft. The rough estimate is that the humans might survive for a few hours at best and even if they did manage to survive they would be more ill than those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were after a nuclear weapon was exploded upon them.

So this brings me to my final comments which are why I firmly believe the moon landing was faked on a movie set. There are two reasons for my decision.

FIRST is that if no living thing can successfully pass through the Van Allen Belts without being radiated to death there is no way we ever sent humans through the Belts to get to the Moon.

SECOND is that when you think that the United States went from launching an Astronaut on a rocket to go into the air and land about 200 miles away in the ocean to landing on the Moon in less than 10 years you have to think how impossible that would be.

My firm belief is that since Russia put the first animal in space, the first human in space, the first satellite in space, and they landed the first mechanical device on the Moon, the United States felt threatened and defeated so they had to do something to deceive everyone. What better way than to fake a landing on the Moon?

Aha! You claim that since Russia and China had devices to see into space then you are positive that they saw us go to the moon. Not so fast as I have evidence upon that also.

Notice that we claimed to have landed on the Moon in 1969 and then notice that Apollo 17 was the last mission to the Moon. Take notice that suddenly, and without warning or reason, the United States Government suddenly stopped all Apollo missions and ended all travel to the Moon.

Why would our Government do that when we spent so much money to supposedly go to the moon with humans? I have the answer for you.

Up until December 1972 Russia and China only had devices that could see into our local atmosphere and they were not able to see much beyond 500 to 600 miles above the Earth. After the December 1972 flight of Apollo 17 Russia and China developed deep space surveillance devices that could see clearly from the Earth to the Moon. The United States realized at that point they could no longer deceive China and Russia, as they now had devices to see clearly into the distance from the Earth to the Moon, so they quickly cancelled the Apollo missions and we have never traveled to the Moon again.

Back to the radiation from the Van Allen Belts. Every time we have launched a non-manned spacecraft through the Van Allen Belts, whether to the Moon, Mars, Venus, or beyond, the entire time the spacecraft is going through the Van Allen Belts we lost communications with the craft until it got far beyond the Van Allen Belts. The electronic devices were able to endure the radiation but organic matter, such as humans and other animals, would quickly die from the radiation from the Van Allen Belts.

My conclusion is that our Government faked the Moon landings to trick Russia and China into believing we really did it. Yes we have landed non-manned items on the Moon but never a human being. If you wish to watch a movie about a faked mission to Mars I ask you to please check out and watch the movie called Capricorn One which was made in 1977.

It involves a doomed mission to Mars where NASA was about to be defunded by the Government. So NASA faked the Mars landing at a movie studio in the desert. It is a fascinating movie and if you watch it all the way from start to finish you will see how it could have taken place exactly like that with our supposed Moon landings with humans.

I have provided you with a link to the site that describes the movie. And please, I beg you, please get a copy of the movie, or watch it on Pay-per-View, and see if what I am saying makes sense.  Here is the link to the description of the movie Capricorn One.

October 5, 2015

Columbus Day

Written By:  Andrew & Becx Eide

Columbus Day falls on the second Monday of October. It is day for the remembrance of Christopher Columbus and his arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. This holiday is somewhat controversial because the European settlement in the Americas led to the demise of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples. So, basically, the people in the United States of America, celebrate the anniversary of the discovery of their country.

Christopher Columbus is often portrayed as the first European to sail to the Americas. He is also sometimes portrayed as the discoverer of the New World. However, there is evidence that the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic were Viking explorers from Scandinavia. Additionally, the land was already populated by indigenous peoples who had previously discovered the Americas thousands of years before.

There is also the claim that Christopher Columbus, although he reached several of the islands in the Americas, and Central America, and possibly South America, may have never reached mainland America which we now call the United States. Therefore some people have contention with celebrating Columbus as the discoverer of what we now call the United States.

Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean which led to the general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. Columbus actually was trying to sail West to reach the already known countries to the East. However, during his first voyage in 1492, instead of reaching Japan as he had intended, Columbus actually landed in the Bahamas archipelago at the location he named San Salvador. On his other three voyages Christopher Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire.

Although Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas, as we have already mentioned that Viking explorers such as Leif Ericson came before him, the voyages of Columbus led to the first lasting European contact with America. They did, in fact, have an enormous impact in the historical development of the modern Western world.

Although he never admitted that the had reached a continent previously unknown to Europeans, rather than the East Indies as he had set out for, Columbus called the inhabitants of the lands he visited Indios which is Spanish for Indians.

That is our brief history of Columbus Day.