December 18, 2016

I Am Thankful I Am Not A Moron

Written By:  Andrew Eide

I’m thankful I’m not a moron. Okay you want to know what I mean by that and I am here to tell you.

I am always confronted by people who have the “entitlement” mentality. They feel everything should be handed to them instead of them working hard for what they get. Most of these people are Liberals as they have been taught that having your hand out expecting others to hand stuff to you for no effort on your part to earn it is the proper thing to do.

Here’s what I’ve observed over the years.  Someone will walk up to me and whine and complain that they cannot purchase food, buy a meal at a restaurant, pay the rent and other bills, and they have their hand out expecting me to hand them money or food.

But here is my observation. I see they have a watch and jewelry on that I would estimate to be over $500 in value. I see them with sneakers on that I know they paid well over $100 for. I see the clothing they have on and my rough estimate of the cost of those clothes is about $100. Then I observe myself where all my clothing I am wearing at that time, including the watch I wear, has a total value of around $100.

So after taking in the fact that the clothing and jewelry they are wearing has a value of more than $600 over what I am wearing I understand that it has nothing to do with them being poor and not able to afford food or the ability to pay bills. It has everything to do with them wasting their money on expensive stuff instead of taking care of basic needs.

If you think that I’m going to hand you money or food when you are a moron and spend your money on non-essential stuff so that you have no money for essential items you are wrong.

That’s the difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives understand that to get ahead in life you have to educate yourself, work hard, and do good work and you will get promotions and pay increases. However Liberals believe that being uneducated, lazy, and doing poor work in your employment, warrants you getting pay increases and promotions.

We do not live in an “entitlement” society. You are not going to take money and food away from my family when you are wearing over $700 worth of clothing and jewelry and you could have used that money for food and bills.

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