February 16, 2017

Our Body Clock Versus 24-Hour Time Clock

Written By:  Andrew Eide

Did you know that your body’s “clock” and the 24-hour time we live our lives to on a regular clock are different? To put it into the most basic terms time runs on a 24-hour schedule and our bodies run on a 24.5 hour schedule.

The body clock is your natural timing mechanism, and for most people, it runs a little longer than 24 hours. Basically it is a non-24-hour clock. For the sake of the discussion in this blog we will average it out to the body clock running on a 24.5 hour cycle. Some people run a little less, some run a little more, but the average is about a half hour longer than a normal 24-hour cycle we use on our clocks.

For some, it runs just a few minutes longer, and for others it runs much longer. The reason for this is not known.

For example, if your body clock is 24.5 hours, today you're running a half hour behind. Tomorrow you're an hour behind, and so on, until your natural rhythms have you sleeping during the day and awake at night. This continues and eventually your sleep-wake cycle briefly syncs up with the typical day-night cycle. Then it begins to move out of sync again. Some people experience a full circadian cycle as short as one and a half months. For others, it can be several months before their sleep-wake cycle is realigned with the 24-hour day.

The eye has two functions: to allow us to see images and to take in light. This light then signals the time of day to the brain. In people who are sighted, the non-24-hour master body clock is reset every day to 24 hours in the same way that hands on a clock can be reset. This ensures that the circadian rhythms synchronize to the typical day-night cycle.

For people who are totally blind, there are no such light cues. The body clock is left to run its natural course, with extra minutes adding up day-by-day until your circadian rhythms are essentially upside down from a typical 24-hour day.

Circadian rhythms are your body's tide. They control its natural ebb and flow. They keep its daily activity in sync with the 24-hour day, controlling the release of the hormones, melatonin, cortisol, etc. When you get sleepy during the day it's because melatonin is released preparing your body for sleep. When you're unable to sleep it's because cortisol has been released telling your body when to wake and when to eat among other things.

Melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep, is usually released in the evening. But in someone with Non-24 it could be released in the middle of the afternoon if his or her cycle at that point is opposite the typical day. Cortisol, the hormone that controls your metabolism, cardiovascular function, immune system, and appetite, is usually released in the morning. However in someone with Non-24 it might be released in the evening, disrupting the body's natural progress toward sleep.

This is how having circadian rhythms that are out of sync with the 24-hour day can impact the natural ebb and flow of the body.

February 11, 2017

How to Properly Calculate Unemployment Rates

Written By:  Andrew Eide

At the end of President Obama’s Presidency, which ended at Noon on Friday, January 20, 2017, they touted that they brought the Unemployment rate down to 4.7 percent. I am here to tell you that is a lie.

There are currently 96 million of our citizens out of work. Out of work means unemployed. There are approximately 250 million working age people in the United States. Working age means persons age 16 and older.

If you divide 96 million by 250 million you see that the true percentage of unemployed people in the United States is 38 percent. So, you ask, how in the hell did our Government arrive at a 4.7 percent as the “official” unemployment rate.

The Government only counts people who actually receive Unemployment benefits. The normal for receiving Unemployment benefits is six months. After 6 months it is rare if you can receive an extension for another six months.  Some people work but due to the type of work they do they never even qualify to receive Unemployment benefits.

Let me give you a personal example. My wife was released from her job in September 2013. She went to the Unemployment Office and they refused to qualify her to receive Unemployment compensation even though she was full-time employed and her work paid into Unemployment. They gave no other reason except YOU DON’T QUALIFY. So guess what? When the Government factored Unemployment rates for 2016 my wife was NOT included in that calculation as they only count people who actually qualify for and receive Unemployment benefits.

If the Government wanted to be honest they would count everyone who is unemployed. They cannot say they don’t know because every month I see news articles stating there are from 94 million to 96 million United States Citizens out of work.

Stop blindly believing everything our Government tells you. Doubt them, don’t trust them, research everything they tell you, find the truth on your own, otherwise you will allow the Government to take advantage of you.

February 6, 2017

What Were the Crusades Really About?

Written By:  Andrew Eide

Today I will tell you the truth about the Crusades. If you listen to the History lessons our schools teach, and if you listen to Muslims, you would believe that the Crusades were Christians terrorizing Muslims across Europe to force them to convert to Christianity. If they refused they were beaten, raped, and killed.

Not so fast people! That is NOT what happened. Today I will tell you the truth that is not being told to you in our schools and from Muslims.

During the Middle Ages it was the Muslims in Europe who were terrorizing Christians and trying to force them to convert to Islam. When they refused they were beaten, raped, murdered, and their cities and towns destroyed.

This terrorism by Muslims went on for about 500 years. Christians didn’t want to get into a confrontation so they tried to stay out of the way of Muslims. However after 500 years of abuse and terror the Christians in Europe had enough and they decided to fight back.

When the Christians fought back against the Muslims they were extremely successful. They drove the Muslims back to where they came from and there was peace in Europe for a time.

Muslims, not wanting to admit defeat, have twisted history to make it look like the Christians started the concept of converting others to Christianity. The fact remains that it was Muslims, for over 500 years, who terrorized Christians in Europe and killing them if they didn’t convert to Islam.

Doesn’t it feel good to be enlightened?

February 3, 2017

For Those Who Do Not Understand Our Constitution

Written By:  Andrew Eide

For those of you who don’t understand the Constitution of the United States I am here today to enlighten you.

First the concept of the Electoral College, which some of you disagree with, has been in existence for generations. It is designed to prevent a small group of people, or a heavily populated area, from deciding the next President for the rest of the country. The Electoral College worked perfectly in the 2016 Presidential Election. Hillary Clinton won only 20 percent of the States and she won about 10 percent of all Counties. This is why the person who won 80 percent of the States and 90 percent of Counties, Donald Trump, is our current, and our 45th President.

Next let me explain the concept of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States mentions that anyone born on United States soil will be declared to be a United States Citizen. This 14th Amendment was only put into place to cover those indentured servants, Blacks, Asian, and Latino, who were brought to the United States against their will and put to work on railroads and plantations. The 14th Amendment was designed to provide their children with Citizenship rights since they didn’t come to the United States on their own.

Today we have illegal aliens abusing the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. They come into our country illegally, give birth to a child, and then claim the child is a United States Citizen then they want to claim they can remain in our country. Not so fast. The 14th Amendment does not cover illegal aliens who violate Immigration Law and come into the United States illegally. It only covers those persons who were brought here against their will. You didn’t come here against your will when you deliberately entered the United States illegally.

Now you have been enlightened. So the next time I hear you claim that illegal aliens have citizenship rights you might get a slap across your face.