February 6, 2017

What Were the Crusades Really About?

Written By:  Andrew Eide

Today I will tell you the truth about the Crusades. If you listen to the History lessons our schools teach, and if you listen to Muslims, you would believe that the Crusades were Christians terrorizing Muslims across Europe to force them to convert to Christianity. If they refused they were beaten, raped, and killed.

Not so fast people! That is NOT what happened. Today I will tell you the truth that is not being told to you in our schools and from Muslims.

During the Middle Ages it was the Muslims in Europe who were terrorizing Christians and trying to force them to convert to Islam. When they refused they were beaten, raped, murdered, and their cities and towns destroyed.

This terrorism by Muslims went on for about 500 years. Christians didn’t want to get into a confrontation so they tried to stay out of the way of Muslims. However after 500 years of abuse and terror the Christians in Europe had enough and they decided to fight back.

When the Christians fought back against the Muslims they were extremely successful. They drove the Muslims back to where they came from and there was peace in Europe for a time.

Muslims, not wanting to admit defeat, have twisted history to make it look like the Christians started the concept of converting others to Christianity. The fact remains that it was Muslims, for over 500 years, who terrorized Christians in Europe and killing them if they didn’t convert to Islam.

Doesn’t it feel good to be enlightened?

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