May 9, 2017

Planned Parenthood History

Written By:  Andrew Eide

So many people support Planned Parenthood, founded by Margaret Sanger, without knowing the history of racism and other disgusting, and some downright evil, thoughts and stands by Margaret Sanger.

Often I mention to people that Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, was extremely racist mostly to Blacks, but also to Hispanics, and other non-Whites, and she promoted forced sterilization of those races to keep them from reproducing, and she also promoted aborting and murdering their babies to bring down their numbers in our population.

The standard answer I get, mostly from Liberals, is that you cannot put the evil and disgusting views of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, on the organization of Planned Parenthood today. These Liberals go a step further and claim that some of our Presidents were racist and slave owners so should we put that past behavior onto our current Presidents?

My response to that response usually causes Liberals to go into a mumbling frenzy as they have no way to answer any longer as they have no logic to their argument. The South, even during the Civil War, is part of American History. There was the Confederate States and they even had their own President in Jefferson Davis. Their military personnel fought for their country also. They are part of American history.

And yet Liberals demand that a State stop flying the Confederate Flag as they claim it was used during the Civil War by the South, which mostly promoted Slavery, so therefore flying the Confederate Flag is a racist thing. They say the same about a statue remembering a Southern Civil War Soldier or General as claiming that is also racist.

So my comment here is simple. Why do Liberals want to place racist events that happened over 150 years ago onto people and States and memorials today if they don’t want the evil disgusting and racist things Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, to be remembers for Planned Parenthood of today?

Either it is allowed in both instances or it is not allowed in both instances. It cannot be both ways.

For your education and enlightenment please view the following link to see what Margaret Sanger was about. If after hearing what she stood for, especially the racist stuff, you still support Planned Parenthood, I feel sorry for you.

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