March 4, 2016

March of Dimes

Written By:  Andrew Eide

The organization March of Dimes was founded in President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. It was a program designed to help women stay healthy during pregnancy and to help prevent premature births and birth defects.

The initial concept was to raise money with spare change and over the decades this has worked our fairly well.

If you contrast what the March of Dimes does, as compared to what Planned Parenthood does, you can see the start differences between the two organizations.

The March of Dimes is in place to help mothers stay healthy through their pregnancy and to help them deliver healthy babies. Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, is in business for the sole purpose of aborting babies and they do nothing to help a family plan a family.

Please do your research on the founder of Planned Parenthood. Her name is Margaret Sanger. She had some really warped views of things and those warped views have carried on to this day.

Sanger believed that men were vile and evil and should be avoided at all cost. She even advocated eliminating men entirely. She claimed that a baby wasn’t a natural thing to be cherished but that babies were leeches on the woman and therefore should be ripped out of the mother and killed.

Margaret Sanger also advocated forced sterilization of Blacks to keep the Black population down or to eliminate them entirely so she was also a racist.

If you want to give to an organization that honestly cares about women and babies then please consider giving to the March of Dimes.

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