July 1, 2016

July is a Month for Reflecting on the Freedoms and Rights We Have in the United States

Written By:  Andrew Eide

July is a month where we have a celebration called Independence Day which highlights the passing of the United States from a Ward of Britain to an independent country governing on their own. The founders of the United States drafted up the Constitution of the United States and this document is so absolutely marvelous that every country on the planet has tried to duplicate it for use in their countries. Most countries of the world would be overjoyed to have a document that is only half as great as the United States Constitution and yet people in our country trample our Rights and Freedoms on this document not realizing they are trampling and eliminating their freedoms as they do so.

I would like to highlight on a few of the items in the Constitution so that you know what they really mean. That way when idiots try to twist the meaning of these items in the Constitution you can set them straight. Remember also that the Rights and Freedoms in the United States Constitution only apply to United States Citizens, both born and Naturalized as Citizens, and legal immigrants. The Rights and Freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America do not apply to people in our country illegally.

The First Amendment gives us the Right to Free Speech. This doesn’t give you the right to yell FIRE in a crowding building. This doesn’t give you the right to perpetrate hoax bomb threats. But it does give you the right to speak freely without fear of retribution. Unfortunately most Liberals and Democrats in the United States want to be able to say anything they want while at the same time suppressing what others can say. This Right of Free Speech applies to everyone and these Liberals and Democrats are wrong in trying to take that Right away from others while trying to keep that Right for their use only.

The Second Amendment gives the Citizens the Right to Bear Arms. This Right doesn’t mean you pick up a firearm and rob and kill people. The Second Amendment specifically states that the Citizens of the United States have the right to remain armed so that they can protect themselves from a Government that has gone out of control. Nobody is going to take that Right to Bear Arms away from us. However Liberals and Democrats want to take our Constitutionally authorized protection in the form of firearms away from us but at the same time they want to keep their guns to that they can control and intimidate those of us they gook the guns away from.

The Fourteenth Amendment states that you are either born as a United States Citizen or you obtain Citizenship through Naturalization and as a Citizen of the Unite States you are granted all Rights and Freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. This Amendment was designed to help those people brought here into the United States against their will. This includes Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics, who were often brought her forcibly to work on the railroads, mines, and roads.

The Fourteenth Amendment provided that since they had no choice in how they were brought here that their children, being born in the United States, are born as Citizens of the United States. However, and this is a huge HOWEVER, this does NOT apply to illegal aliens who deliberately violate our Laws and sneak into the United States to deliver a baby and then claim that the baby is now a Citizen of the United States and therefore, even though the parents and other family members are here illegally, that they should be allowed to remain in the United States due to having an “Anchor Baby.” Never was this the intention of the Fourteenth Amendment.

That’s my basic take on a few Amendments of the Constitution. Take it for the truth that it is or you can ignore what I say. However be advised that if you ignore my truth then you are designed to fall victim to those Liberals and Democrats who want to take YOUR Constitutional Rights away.

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