January 19, 2015

Who Left the Toilet Seat Up?

Written By:  Andrew Eide

“Yikes!  Who left the toilet seat up?”  Have you heard this statement screamed by a woman?  Have you run in terror to hide from her as she comes out of the bathroom, anger written all over her face, after she squatted down on the cold porcelain toilet bowl?

I would like to know who made the rule that the toilet seat must be left in the “down” position.

Let’s examine the toilet seat itself and see if we can make sense out of it.  What does a toilet seat, like the one used in the home, consist of?  It consists of the toilet seat (the part you sit on) and the lid, so that is the one type of toilet seat I will discuss here.

With the toilet seat at home you have three options of what you can do with it.  The first is to leave both the toilet seat and lid in the “down” position (the most logical way). The second is to leave the lid in the “up” position while leaving the seat in the “down” position (the way woman want it).  The third would be to leave both the lid and seat in the “up” position (which I never see anyone do).

If we examine each in detail we will find out which should be the one used to make everything fair.  The first option of leaving both the lid and seat in the down position is logical. Since men have logical brains this is the usual choice for them. This not only keeps the seat clean of dust due to the lid being down but it also means that both men and women would have to lift something in order to use the toilet. This is the equitable and fair option since it affects both women and men in the same way.  The women-preferred method of leaving the lid up and the seat down just don’t cut it.  This option also dust to settle on the part you sit on since the lid is in the up position. The third option of leaving both the lid and seat in the up position is an option I never see used so I won’t discuss it further.

We see that the common design of a toilet seat is to have the seat and lid always in the down position until you want to use it.  If this were not the case then why do they put designs or decorations on the top side of the toilet seat?  If the law stated we had to leave the lid up and the seat down, then designs would be printed on the inside of the lid right?

I do not expect anyone to complain about both the lid and seat is in the down position since it is fair and equal to both women and men.  However, both men and women need to get into the habit that when you are done please return the seat and lid to its original down position.

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