November 18, 2016

Stop Bringing Racism Into Everything Said

Written By:  Andrew Eide

I get sick of people who bring racism into everything others say. Why would I make such a statement? Here are a few examples:

I've stated to people that I don't like the policies of President Obama and immediately they call me a racist because I'm White and President Obama is Black. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the fact that I don't like his policies and what he stands for.

When I was serving on board one of my United States Navy ships I walked into the Mess Deck (dining facility) and greeted several of my fellow Sailors, all who happened to be Black, with GOOD MORNING! They jumped up from where they were sitting, got in my face, and screamed at me:  WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? YOU RACIST? Just because I greeted them with Good Morning they turned it into a racist thing. Unreal eh?

So here is my comment. There are two situations in our lives both that cause us not to be able to see clearly. One is called a WHITEOUT and that is where the snow is so heavy that everything is whited out and you can barely see. The other is a BLACKOUT where all the power goes out so there are no lights and that also makes it so you can barely see.

So you can see that a WHITEout and a BLACKout can both mean the same thing which is a situation where it is difficult for you to see.

Have a great non-racist day.

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