March 29, 2019


Written By:  Andrew Eide

Since the Mueller investigation report was released where Special Counsel Robert Mueller stated in his findings there was no collusion with Russia by President Trump or anyone associated with his campaign, and that there was no Obstruction of Justice on the part of President Trump, we still have half the Democrats in Congress demanding Impeachment of Trump. Shall we discuss this?

There have been 45 Presidents over the history of the United States. Only two Presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have been Impeached. This means the process of Impeachment of a President is rarely used and under normal situations, like what we have with President Trump, wouldn’t be successful anyway.

Both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were Impeached but using the lesser process which is a written letter of reprimand and they leave them in office.

Now I know what some of you are thinking and that is President Richard Nixon was Impeached so why are you not talking about that. I am informing you that Richard Nixon was not Impeached he resigned. The official Impeachment process was never started on Nixon. And several of the Attorneys who worked on figuring out of Impeachment on President Nixon would have worked have all stated that even if they had started the process there was not enough evidence to Impeach Nixon.

What about President Trump? He was found innocent off all accusations of collusion with Russia and Obstruction of Justice. If the Democrats in Congress even tried to prepare Impeachment documents they would get slam dunked so hard they wouldn’t regain consciousness for months. I keep telling people with all the illegal things President Obama did, and nobody brought up Impeachment on him, then with Trump being innocent of all accusations there is no way Democrats would be successful if they tried Impeachment.

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