October 27, 2016

Drugs Flushed Down the Toilet

Written By:  Andrew Eide

The first apartment I rented after joining the Navy was in Chula Vista and it was a 1 bedroom apartment located on Madison Avenue just off of D Street in Chula Vista.

The big comedy thing during that time, which was 1973 to 1974, was Cheech & Chong. One of their famous skits was when they were sitting around their home when they hear a knock on the door and the persons banging on the door claimed they were the police. So the other members in the house flush all their drugs down the toilet. Then when they open the door it turns out to be their friend asking HEY MAN DO YOU HAVE ANY DOPE? By the time they go into the bathroom all their drugs are gone. It was a cruel joke but a funny comedy skit.

On this evening four of us were in my apartment when we heard pounding on the door of the apartment. We heard OPEN UP! THIS IS THE POLICE! We freaked out so my friend gathered all the drugs and he ran into the bathroom. We told him if it really is the police we will give him a signal and he is to flush the dope down the toilet.

The rest of us sprayed air freshener around the apartment and then calmly went to the door as if the police wouldn’t know we were doing drugs.

When we opened the door it was my ship-mate from the Navy, Regan Raleay and he said, in his best Tommy Chong doper voice:  HEY MAN DOYOU HAVE ANY DOPE?

We were so relieved it wasn’t the police so we invited him in. He asked us again if we had any dope and we all realized our friend probably flushed it down the toilet. We ran into the bathroom but fortunately he didn’t flush anything so we spent the rest of the evening inhaling the dope we had.

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